
That is exactly what my family & I will be doing this week.

I will miss writing & seeing all the love y’all bring me.

Feel free to go back and read “old” entries.  I read recently how one blogger suggested NOT to date your posts.  It it supposed to ensure your posts don’t become “stale.”  I understand the viewpoint.  However, if I find a blog I enjoy, I will go back and read many older posts.  The date doesn’t really deter me much.  Each post is a little piece of history of my life.  I would hate to lose the dates.

So don’t let the dates keep you from finding great ideas to help you and your family!

Again, I want to thank you for your loyalty and support.

Vacations bring JOY,


  1. Ange says:

    Enjoy your vacation!!!! I am a little jealous, wish we were going on a family vacation right now. Although I think moving to a new town is going to be like a vacation. I will go and read some old posts this week and enjoy you even though you aren’t blogging this week! Safe travels and blessings to your family!!!!
    Ange recently posted..Our FamilyMy ComLuv Profile

    • Shan says:

      What a positive way of looking at moving Ange! Three cheers for your optimism!!! Thank you for your well wishes. I hope all is going well for you my friend.

  2. Kristy says:

    Have fun! I always enjoy looking back at what I wrote the year before. It is an archive of our previous selves before growth took place.
    Kristy recently posted..TrustMy ComLuv Profile

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