Great Organizing Tips

Great Organizing TipsYesterday, after tripping over shoe upon shoe I decided it was time.

Time to organize my closet once and for all.

I never truly organized it when we moved in to this house about 3 years ago.  It has also become a dumping ground for stuff around the house.  For example, I might have company coming so I grab a container and throw all the clutter in it.  That container ends up in my closet.  For some reason I have linens and all kinds of non-closet items.  I always justify that the rest of the house {the part everyone sees} deserves my attention more.  However it is completely out of control and beginning to wreak havoc when trying to find clothing I need or want.

I have a nice size walk in closet with built ins.  It is plenty big for my needs yet most of the time I can’t walk in.  Isn’t that awful!?  It is.  Sigh…

This is where I am in my organizing {no I did not finish}:

-Took all the shoes out of the closet.  Purged shoes (1 bag)

-Vacuumed the floor I could see. {I love vacuuming because of the instant gratification it brings!}

-Purged dresses and shirts. (1bag)  Threw away old hangers and used new wooden hangers I scored for only $6 for a box of 20 at Wal Mart. {Sure hope when I go back to Wal Mart they’ll have more of those hangers}

-Grouped my dresses in colors.  Ahhh…if it only looked like this all the time.

Anyway, so a beautiful person I met at Blissdom last year is a professional organizer.  Her name is Amy Volk from  She saw me whining about how grueling this closet organizing process is for me on Instagram with the photo above.  She left me this comment of hope:

“Tomorrow my segment is on closet organizing :))))”

I visited her site first thing this morning and found a video of Amy on a TV news segment and had to share it with you:

I’m off to work some more on my closet.

P.S.: When I updated my blog it took away my pages {Home, About Me, Blogs Bring Joy, Affiliates Bring joy, Books Bring Joy} I’m currently waiting to hear back from WordPress to see how this can be corrected. Sorry for the technical difficulties

Wish me luck,

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