Children’s Prayers

In case you haven’t seen these online yet:


He hears our prayers,


  1. Makes me smile each time I read them!! :)
    Jennifer_StudioJRU recently posted..seeing with the heart.

  2. absolutely adorable! Kids are so precious!
    Neena recently posted..Mama, why do we have a reflection?

  3. Very sweet!
    Thank you for sharing.
    gina valley recently posted..Laugh Log – Dao

  4. Good Morning ,
    I was looking thru your craft room pics love your ideas, but when I stumbled across the kids prayers I was’nt sure to laugh or cry, kids are so precious and pure. God is good and its wonderful when kids have questions, I was the one why can you make new people when others die, can we keep the ones we have ? I totally agree sweetheart.

    christian matthews , new orleans ,la.

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