I received an unexpected blessing this morning!
Carrie from In The Sweet Sunshine generously gave me a Liebster Blog Award.
I was grateful for the 4 years of German to know that Liebster comes from the word Liebe. Liebe means love in German.
According to Carrie, “the goal of this award is to spotlight up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers.” Even though my blog has been around for a while now {since August 2008} I guess I am considered an “up-and-coming” blogger. That is totally and completely fine with me. I am grateful and flattered. The followers I DO HAVE are loyal and I am grateful for every single one of them!
Last week a friend of mine came up to me at my Daughter’s dance studio and said, “I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I read it all the time. I don’t ever comment, so I have been wanting to tell you how much I like reading it.” Thank you so much Marsha for your very sweet words! I do work diligently at offering my readers family friendly content. Compliments are always warmly received and make a bloggers day! The Liebster Blog Award gives me encouragement. I hope Family Brings Joy might make a little bit of a difference in peoples lives for good.
One of the great parts of receiving this award is I have the opportunity to pass it on. I love the principal of ‘paying it forward’ and spreading acts of kindness. It is my honor to grant this award to the following “up-and-coming” blogs {Random Order}:
- Eye Heart – I am a mother of three boys and wife to a wonderful husband. I have a passion for makeup, beauty, fashion, design, photography and last but not least all things culinary.
- Creative Outlets of a Thrifty Minded Momma – Wife to Hubby the Great, Mom to two curly-headed-blonde-hair-blue-eyed beauties (Boog and Bear), and a doer of all things creative. I’m thrifty minded out of necessity, but determined by choice. Determined to make my home a place that my family loves to be for the price I can afford to pay and loving every second of the challenge.
- The House That Can Do All Things- This Blog is dedicated to, well, hmmmm, lots of things: Crafty things, Decorating, DIY, Family, Food, & Fun!
- Room Rx – A friend of mine once told me I had an addiction to design She was right. I now consider myself a “design junkie.” I am also a mom of three, a wife and an outdoor enthusiast. I love anything design and home related, but I am really inspired by a good bargain. This blog is my way of cataloging the things that strike a chord with me and get my creative juices flowing.
- Dimples & Tangles – I am a believer in Jesus Christ, the wife of a Southern Baptist minister and the mom of two of the sweetest kids! I enjoy spending time in the Word, reading, sewing, shopping thrift stores and clearance sales, decorating and reading home blogs. I always have a project or two in the works, so this blog is my attempt to chronicle our family life and our efforts to make this house into a welcoming home!
- Moments & Impressions – I was a corporate gal… never thought I would leave. Now I am a stay at home momma… still trying to figure out what that means. I love old things and brand new crayons.
- The Butterfly Mom - I created this blog as the catch all for crafting, parenting, reviews, home management, cooking and baking and everything else in between.
- Daddy’s In Charge – I don’t claim to have all the answers about fatherhood, every dad has their own way of doing things, but I can share my stories to let you know that you are not alone out there.
- Hanging With Dad – Aside from being a stay at home dad who does graphic design, web design and audio production, I joined the Houston Athletic Rugby Club at the beginning of the 2009 season and plan to continue playing for as long as my body (and family) will allow. It’s one of my few activities where I get adult interaction outside of the house.
- Busy Lil Homemaker – I’m a Christian SAHM who keeps busy home educating our two beautiful daughters, writing, piecing quilts, baking, and much more.

The Official Rules for the Liebester Award are:
- Copy and paste the award on your blog
- Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you
- Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
- Hope that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers
Okay, yes, I bent the rules a tad…I chose 10 instead of 5. Hey, I believe in “going the second mile.” If the awarded blogger above had a button for their site I added it. Personally, I love to add buttons to my posts. I believe a good button is important in advertising your blog. {Tip: helpful to other bloggers if you have it handy on your sidebar} If you were awarded and HAVE a button, please let me know & I will add it to this post. Thanks!
I LIEBE my followers,
You’re welcome.
Have a great rest of your day!
Carrie @ In the sweet sunshine recently posted..Soup’s perfect companion
Thank you so much. It means a lot to me and made my day.
Cinthya Travis recently posted..Fall Wreath
I’m happy to share the JOY, Cinthya.
I passed it on.
Cinthya Travis recently posted..Liebster Award
Congratulations on your award!, you have an amazing blog!
Ben (TheAngryScot) recently posted..The Haircut Continued.
Ben, thank you! How very nice of you to say.
I enjoy reading yours as well. I can tell you love your family very much!
Wow!!! I feel really blessed to receive an award fro myou in the name of LOVE.. LIEB!!!!!!
Thanks so much! I am going to post about it today!
You are very welcome Lisa.
Thank you so much! This brought a real big spot of joy to an otherwise rough day! I will be posting this soon.
Katie D. recently posted..Mason Jar Bathroom Organizer
I am so glad, Katie. I’m glad is brought you a bit of sunshine. That makes me happy and smile.
This is so sweet. I am going to have to think on this one a bit. You know, I have tried to follow you a few times – but whenever I click over it says the friend connect is broken.
Nessa recently posted..Play
Bummer! I am going to have to figure out how to fix that…problem is, I don’t host my blog with blogger anymore. Can’t figure out how to have a google friend account without hosting it with blogger. I am still new to all this coding stuff. I really would like to have a facebook follower widget, but can’t figure out how to do that either. Well, this is a long explanation…sorry. Glad you stopped by!