Me, Sara & her daughter
My treasure today is friends. I have been thinking a lot lately about friendships. A week ago today my closest friend, Sara, {where I live} moved away. {not too far away, about a couple of hours} I have known for several months her moving day would come. I tried not to think about it too much because it would always provoke tears. It still does.
Family is important. However, a life without friends is unbalanced. At least for me, it is. While growing up I recall fond memories spending time with my parents’ friends & their families. My parents taught me the value of friendship. {Thank you Mom & Dad} Thinking back, I believe part of the reason for this was because we didn’t have grandparents, aunts/uncles and cousins that lived in our city or close. So it was helpful to have friends for support and fellowship. We would get together to celebrate holidays, go camping together, worshiped together etc.
Unfortunately, our (me & my husband) extended family members (on both sides) don’t live in the same town either. Therefore, we rely on support from our friends and church congregation/family. My favorite part of having friends is just spending time and having fun together. Too much work, not enough play and adult conversation makes for a dull life.
I completely treasure and cherish every single friend I have made throughout my life. Some of my most favorite movies and songs are about beautiful connections between friends. The first couple of movies that come to mind are Beaches and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
Awesome Friend Songs:
- Friends by Elton John
- Friends by Michael W. Smith
- I Will Remember You by Amy Grant
- With A Little Help From My Friends by The Beatles
- Never Let Me Down Again by Depeche Mode
- Each Life That Touches Ours For Good – Hymn
- That’s What Friends Are For by Gladys Knight & Stevie Wonder Dionne Warwick with Elton John
- Hello Again by Neil Diamond
Saturday, I invited a Woman and her 3 girls from Church who recently moved here over to our house. Her girls and my youngest played while she & I sat and talked. I look forward to getting to know her better. {Hi, Michele} Monday, I met another woman at the running track. She is somewhat new to our community and we hit it off right away. As a matter of fact, she invited me to her book club for tonight. {Hi, Monica} But as I write these words a particular Girl Scout song comes to mind.
“Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.”
I know I will see Sara again, this is true. But it won’t be the same as having her close by. I remember not long after we met she dropped off a bag with Extra Cheesy Gold Fish and Reese’s Butter Cups for me. I had mentioned on the phone earlier that I was not having a good day. Her note said something along the lines of hoping to “brighten my day.” She most certainly did. We were such new friends, I think she even asked my husband what my favorite treats were {to know what to buy.} I remember when she came over to help me pack when we moved {after our house was built.} She was a wonderful listener {of my rantings and ravings} while we built our home and even helped me glaze my kitchen cabinet doors. Sara was there to help me with my Son’s birthday party. I could go on and on, but I won’t.
The other reason this topic has been on my mind is because my oldest daughter has been struggling with a friendship. {Hopefully she won’t kill me when she finds out I wrote about this, please don’t be mad, K} She has a wonderful best friend. At the beginning of the school year they befriended a girl who had been ostracized by her former friends for one reason or another. They became the three musketeers. {That’s what they called themselves.} However, just recently, this new friend of theirs was welcomed back into her former friends. That wouldn’t necessarily be a problem, but now she no longer wants to be friends with my daughter and her best friend. I don’t really understand everything. All I know is how sad my daughter has been to lose this friend. It breaks my heart for her. When I think back to my High School years…when I think about my good friends I had in High School…I wonder what happened to our friendship? Why didn’t we stay in touch? All I remember are the good times we had together. This tells me that for whatever the reason was, if I don’t remember the reason, then it must have not been very important.
I planned on adding a photo montage of friends I have made throughout my life. I have been extra busy today and haven’t had time to peruse through my photos before going to the book club. I still plan on doing this though. I will add the collage as soon as it is done to this post. So check back later tonight or tomorrow and see if maybe you are in it. 😉
Thank you to all my friends for loving me just the way I am, weaknesses and all. Your life has touched mine for good and I treasure you.
Friends are Friends Forever,
Aw, thank you Shannon! You have been such a blessing in my life! You’re such a thoughtful friend! You’ve added such special touches to special occasions in our family’s lives – like your photography of Ainsley’s first birthday party and Lexi’s “birth day” and the sweet gifts you’ve given to us. You even made our moving day special with your thoughtfulness! We’ve definitely has some fun times together, and I’m thankful for you!
I miss you tons, Sara!
Shannon, I enjoyed this posting so much. It reminds me of how many friends I have made through life and how valuable they have been to my own well being. I had to leave friends and make new ones over and over again as we moved from Air Force Base to Air Force Base. I would cry uncontrollably every time we would move and try to stay in touch with my old friends. Before long I would have made new friends and my letter writing to my former friends would slow down and ultimately disappear. It didn’t mean I loved them any less, we just lost contact. Like you I am left with many good memories and many forgotten names but recalled faces still. You are so right about the extra value of close friends when you don’t have family near. My current best friend and I have been friends now for 30 years. We met at work and now that we are both retired we still get together at least once or twice a month and stay in touch by phone and email. We live an hour apart but don’t let that get in the way. She has become like the sister I never had. I am so glad you are meeting and cultivating new friends. I know they will cherish your giving and loving nature as I do. I love you, Mom
I am so glad you have Donna. Tell Oma I said, “Hi!” and be sure to bookmark my new site for her on her computer. I haven’t figured out how to email my posts to her yet.
Hello right back at ya girl! Good post. Friendship is such a valuable gift. I can too relate to forming deeper friendships as our familys have never lived close by either. Having good friends that you can rely on, trust, and love you despite your faults is truly a treasure. Enjoying getting to know you! Glad you made it to bookclub-hope it was a good time
Happy Friday, perhaps I’ll see you at the “track” this morning!
I’m taking the day off from running. So I won’t see you at the track this morning. Thank you for commenting and I enjoyed book club last night. Talk to you soon, though. 😉
I will fix Mother’s bookmarks for your blog. We are excited about Conway! I went to Gravatar and got my Avatar. Hopefully it will show up now. Love, Mom