I’m here.
I’ve come to the conclusion I may not have any more faithful readers. I’ve been neglectful in my blog writing. Mainly because life has been very full these days. Full probably is an understatement. It’s been busting at the seams and I can’t seem to catch up. I’m not complaining, except that I miss writing/journaling. I’ve pondered over how this blog began. It was simply me writing about my life, my family and my interests. I still do that…yet I feel like I can’t post something unless I have photos to accompany my post. Pouring through photos, editing photos and then adding them to a post is the most time consuming [for me] with blogging. I love photography. I’m a visual person, so it seems nonsensical to NOT have photos. Don’t get me wrong, the writing part does and can take up time. Depending on the subject, sometimes it can take literally all day just to write one post. I truly hate when that happens; because then I am too tired to go through the process of adding the photos. Then I get upset with myself. It begins a cycle of frustration. I know why this happens. My ADD brain causes this. Even though I know why it happens, it doesn’t change how it makes me feel.
Over the last few months I’ve noticed a trend with some of my other blogger friends. I’m not the only one who has neglected their blog writing. As a matter of fact, I’ve noticed some have focused mainly on Instagram rather than blog. I completely understand this. It is way less time consuming to post photos on Instagram and add your thoughts than keep up a blog.
In my personal reflection of my blogging, I kind of feel like I need to chastise myself to some extent. My blog was for me to share my thoughts and feelings. It is mine. I don’t need to do it a certain way. I don’t blog primarily for monetary gain (although it would be nice) so I don’t need to follow certain rules to gain followers etc. I have always and will always only want readers by way of organic means. {meaning I don’t pay to advertise my blog or any of my social media to gain readers} However, for some reason, I entered the mindset that I needed to write about certain things in a certain way and order. I don’t like that. I don’t like my creativity, my flow of thoughts to be stifled.
I can’t remember the last time I looked at Google Analytics to see how many readers I have or what post was being read the most. I think doing that also stifled my creativity. I don’t want to feel as though I am in competition with anyone. I just want to be me and if people want to read what I have to say, they are welcome. It’s okay to have a post without photos. It’s okay to just write. I’m really trying to talk myself into this mindset…mainly the photo part. {I don’t think I’m a great writer too…please don’t check my grammar}
Last but not least, I think my other issue has been the name of my blog. I worry people see the name of my blog and think I have a perfect family. Or I worry they think I’m an expert at creating a joyful family. Unfortunately, this is definitely NOT true. About a year & a half ago our family almost dissolved. My marriage was falling apart. I had filed for divorce. Without divulging details, it didn’t happen. We are working on us. It’s difficult, yet we are managing. Life is rough. Families and marriages are made up of individuals. We don’t have control over those individuals. We can influence and teach, but we don’t have control. Anyway, during that tumultuous time in my life, several people asked me if I was going to change the name of my blog. It really caught me off guard. Why would I need to change the name of my blog? I still believe family brings joy. My own parents divorced, yet I still love my family…I have more family to love.
When I redesigned my blog several years back, I added and sometimes other emotions as a subtitle hoping to clarify, that just because you have a family, doesn’t mean you will live in a constant state of joy. We all know that is not the case. People/individuals in families can cause heartbreak, frustration and every other form of emotion possible. Even so, I still believe the family is the basic unit of society. I believe it is better for each individual of a family to stay in tact. {as long as there is not abuse being inflicted in any way} I’m not going to site a study on family or give quotes. This is my personal belief from my own experience in this life. I also know that if a spouse dies it doesn’t mean the family is dissolved. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I didn’t have any intention of changing the name of my blog when I thought I was going to be divorced. Nevertheless, now I am reevaluating. Should I change the name? Is it misleading?
It would be a lot of work to change the name. In the blogging world they call the name of your blog your “brand.” So I have spent many years cultivating my brand. What if a reader wanted to see what I was up to and they couldn’t find me anymore? I really don’t want to change the name. I also don’t want my integrity to be in question. Yes, this is my blog. If you have not met me in real life, then my blog is a reflection of who I am as a person. It is my sincere desire for people to know I am authentic. I am a highly sensitive person which makes me very conscientious of others feelings. When I leave this life I want to leave a legacy my family will want to continue…one of integrity and love of all mankind, but most of all my love of family. It is most precious. And with constant nourishment it can survive into the eternities.
So whether anyone has read this post or not, the writing of it was beneficial to me. And from here on out I pledge to write more regularly for me with or without pictures. With that being said, I absolutely and positively love having readers…especially interacting with them. You are welcome to come along on this journey. All insights and comments are welcome…although I reserve the right to delete any contentious ones, as I would rather keep things on a positive and uplifting basis. Life is rough enough as it is. I don’t need anyone bringing me down…my own nature does that enough as it is.
Now I’m going to go take a walk/run. I wish you a good day.
Writing brings joy,
I like to check your blog and your Instagram pictures just to stay in touch despite the miles. The things you write are always heartfelt! We may not realize it every moment of each day but family does bring joy!
Keep blogging. I gave mine up and am sorry I did. I didn’t know other people enjoyed it because they didn’t comment much.
I love reading your blog post. I think you and I are a lot alike.
Love ya girly!
Keep writing. I had a blog once and I took it down to my eternal regret. But I am back with a new one now and I cannot be happier. We bloggers feel like no one is out there sometimes but you now what, regardless, let us just continue writing because it keeps us sane.
May you have more joys in writing!
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