Who else has seen these little bottles in photos on all of your social media? I did. At first I was skeptical. “Just another multi-level marketing, ” I said to myself. So I basically ignored them for a while. However, I began reading the captions to these photos and became intrigued and curious. It wasn’t until I noticed one of my college sorority sisters (Alpha Phi baby!) talking about them on Facebook…I had to ask her, “What’s this all about?”
She & I met at a bakery which was a half way point for both of us (about a 30 minute trip for each.) Oh how I love living in Texas again! I am so close to all my friends I grew up with…close to family too! 😉 Back to my story…after catching up with my long lost friend, she began to share her experience with Young Living Essential Oils. She truly happened upon them and began using them long before she began selling them. She didn’t even have any desire to sell them, yet once she told her friends of how they were helping her family, they wanted to begin using them. The business became natural for her. This always happens when you are passionate about a product. If you love a product, you naturally want to talk about it.
All of the oil stories she shared were inspiring, but I think what sold me the most was how they helped her husband with seasonal allergies. Her husband was taking 2 to 3 different medicines for seasonal allergies all year long and now he doesn’t take ANY! “What?!” “Really?!” I haven’t been taking 2 to 3 medicines for allergies, but I have been taking one. I used to only take it during high allergy season, but for the past couple of years I’ve been taking it year round. I found if I didn’t, I would invariably get at least 2 sinus infections a year. I also hate taking more medications. I already take 2 for my ADD and depression. My sensitive body doesn’t react well to so much medication. Anyway, she told me all you do is rub one drop of Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint oils to the bottoms of your feet every night before you go to bed. I thought to myself, “that’s all?! I can do that!” I’m here to tell you it works!
Let me share what else has worked for me. Pan Away is a blend of oils. I use it when I feel a headache coming on. All I do is rub one drop of it on my forehead and temples…within a minute it is gone! It was weird, at first, to not break out my bottle of Advil Liqui-Gels, which has been my best friend for aches and pains. Pan Away has been wonderful for cramps during that time of the month as well.
Currently, I am diffusing the oils you see in the first picture above: Lemon, Sacred Frankincense, Lavender, Valor, and Joy. This blend of oils is a recipe to help with depression. Who knows, I might not have to keep taking my anti-depressant. We shall see. I will keep you posted.
Some of you might be wondering…”What are essential oils?” Here is the definition Young Living gives:
Most of us have experienced the incredible power of essential oils without even realizing it. From the energizing aroma of a freshly squeezed lemon to the calming influence of a lavender bouquet, essential oils are all around us. These concentrated, natural, aromatic liquids are extracted from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. Plants depend on essential oils to grow, evolve, and adapt to their surroundings. They also play an important role in defending against insects, disease, and harsh chemical environmental conditions. Pure, unadulterated essential oils have many potential benefits and are used daily to enhance the lives of millions.
There are three ways you can use essential oils: inhalation, topical application and internal consumption. So far, I have used the first two methods the most. My starter kit came with a diffuser. I use it EVERY DAY. This is the lotus flower object you see behind the oils in the first picture. You can see the mist coming out of the top of it. This diffuser has become a permanent place in my kitchen. Eventually, I plan to have one in each room. I have already depleted my bottle of Stress Away. (moving is stressful) I just ordered a roll on version of it, can’t wait to get that in the mail. I know it works! I feel less stressed when I have it diffusing in my home.
Needless to say, I’m a believer. Instead of sharing all my oil experiences here in this one post, I plan on writing a post each week about an essential oil. I will share how I have used it and how it has helped our family.
I completely recommend Young Living Essential Oils. My friend suggested I sign up as a wholesale distributor, so I could take advantage of the 24% off retail pricing. I’m very glad she did because essential oils are not inexpensive. However, I would much rather spend my money on oils than medicine. Depending on what medicines you are using, essential oils are LESS expensive than medicine. I feel better than I have in a long time.
You can also sign up as a Young Living Essential Oil Independent Distributor to receive the wholesale benefits. You DO NOT have to sell, but if you find yourself sharing and people wanting to know more, why not be compensated for it? YOU & I are their advertising. And believe me, word of mouth is the BEST form of advertising. You are welcome to pay full retail prices if you want. If you are like me, see the value instantly and want to be on your way to feeling good, I will walk you through the process of signing up.
1. Go to www.youngliving.org/fbj44 or click here to be directed there. The following page will appear:

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2. Then click on the tab on the left “Sign Up Here”

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3. The Sign Up Page will look like the following:

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4. (Scroll down) Now you will begin the process by filling out the form:

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5. (Scroll down again) Put the username, password and pin in a safe place to refer back to later. You will need it when you want to reorder.

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6. Scroll down to choose your kit!

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I purchased the first Premium Starter Kit because you receive more for your money. It is a $299 value for only $150 plus resources and a lifetime membership.

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7. The next item after scrolling down is the option of signing up for Essential Rewards. This is completely optional. I didn’t sign up for this when I began. I wanted to make sure I liked the oils before signing up for the essential rewards. You can do that also…make sure you are satisfied using them before committing to a shipment every month. I’m pretty sure you will or I wouldn’t be writing this post. 😉

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8. The last item is adding your credit card information and voila…you are signed up! Your kit will be delivered to your door within a couple of weeks (at the most,) depending on where you live.
Let me know if you have any questions. If you are already using Young Living oils, what are your favorites?
Oils bring joy,
[…] I’m loving this product! It is worth every penny! Let me know if you want more information about Young Living Essential oils. Me personal site is here. I also have a tutorial on how you can receive Young Living’s products at whole sale prices by clicking here. […]