Source: via Shan@ on Pinterest
Oh how I love this poster! I need to have it displayed next to my bed so I see it when I get up in the morning. This is excellent motivation.
It all started with a well check at the doctors office.
Scratch, let’s back up a little.
It all started with Summer. Yep, I don’t run in the Summer. It’s too hot! And this summer was just plain outrageously HOT! So much so that taking a dip in our pool was like taking a bath, no thanks! We had over 2 months with 100 degree temps or higher. It still somewhat seems like summer in the afternoons here. We haven’t left the 80′s yet, definitely doesn’t seem like Fall at all! Thus the inevitable to happen…no exercise, gain inches. For those of you who say, “why don’t you just run on a treadmill?” To run on a treadmill is almost as bad as taking my finger nails out. I can’t stand it…BORING. Plus, I don’t run the same speed at every second or minute.
Back to the doctors office…blah, blah blah…they made me get on a stinking scale. Yep, I gained 6 pounds in the last 3 months! No wonder I can’t fit into any of my clothes!! Who wants to buy new clothes that are a size up? NOT ME, but I had to, otherwise I’d be wearing sweats every day. It’s just not fun buying bigger clothes, I don’t care how cute they are!

Documenting My Run This Morning
This leads me to my new plan: Operation Get Fit!
I started Operation Get Fit today! This morning was gorgeous and in the 60′s. Dropped off the cutie at school & headed to the track. I decided to start slow. First and foremost, stretching is a must. Afterward, my plan was to run one mile and walk one mile. While running my mile, I passed 8 walkers and {told myself} everyone still in bed. {snicker} Isn’t it amazing how positive thoughts and perspective can change your outlook and keep you motivated!!
BTW, I almost panicked when my ipod shuffle’s {with my running music} battery was dead. It is almost impossible to run without music for me. Instead of getting upset and using that as an excuse to not run, I pulled out my iPhone and powered up the Pandora App. I found a wonderful station under the Workout Genre. It’s called Alternative Endurance Training. The songs had good beats for running and if any of the lyrics used bad language, I just pushed the thumbs down button and it started a new song. Thank goodness for Pandora! I was so grateful to have it to run to this morning!!! { Apple & Pandora aren’t paying me to say this }
So who wants to join me?
Every day this week (except Sunday):
Run 1 mile & Walk 1 mile
That’s not too much, huh? I think it’s doable and it’s my goal for the week.
It always helps to have a friend to run with. So who is with me? We can keep tabs on one another and be each others cheer leaders. Each week I will create a new running schedule.
If you are new to running, please check out the following important posts:
Running Motivation Techniques – Techniques to keep you running.
Out with the Old – All about the importance of proper running shoes which is KEY for injury prevention!
Motivation For Running 3 miles… – How music can help your running.
Last but not least, don’t forget tomorrow is the last day to link up your Family Memory Boards for the Family Memory Board Link Party.
I’m not quite sure why I haven’t gotten more links. Surely almost every family has some sort of place where they display their photos? Right?
I am very grateful for IHeart Organizing, Birds Party, Heart Break Kids and Sweetgirl Expressions who have graciously shared their unique creations with us.
You can see their boards and link yours up by clicking here.
Hope to hear from you,
I walked 6 miles today! Fast. I’m on a mission to lose the gut I got after a ski accident! Hooray!
Bruce Sallan (@BruceSallan) recently posted..NEWS OF THE MOMENT
Way to go Bruce! You’re in the zone! Thanks for visiting!
Nothing better to trim the fat than a good run. Summer hot runs can be managed a bit by getting out there early in the morning if possible. And you burn a lot more calories on a hot day, so although uncomfortable, it does the body good if you are careful.
Best tip to stay motivated: sign up for a 5K so you have a goal to work towards.
Good luck!
Beard recently posted..Love of a Lifetime
Ok,Ok! I need to run. Yes, I do! I don’t know how those extra pounds come on. So starting Tuesday, I will run with you! Yes, that is a good idea!
Thanks for the Pandora app … great idea!
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