I was hoping to feature some of the kids 2012 fashion trends for back to school today.
Either I have horrible search keywords or there isn’t much being posted on this matter. {Probably the first.}
Sigh…yes, I know this is a great idea. {Once again I’ll be giving a great post idea that will be done and noticed on a massive blog without any credit to little ole me. Sorry, I’m feeling snarky today.}
My kids are returning to school in 10 days. {I’m not really counting down. I just counted the days on the calendar for this post.} But, I have to say I am ready.
I’m ready for some uninterrupted time alone.
I’m ready to have time without my kids arguing.
Back to the original topic at hand…the dreaded back to school shopping.
I guess it’s much like Christmas, it’s fun for the kids and not so much fun for the parents.
If you live in the South like I do, it’s still SUMMER weather. So all the ‘fall’ fashions can’t be worn for a good 2 months or so after school begins. Plus, how do you know what’s ‘IN’ before you go to school?
I can remember countless times buying a wardrobe before school started only to realize a week into school I was ‘out’ in regards to fashion. Being the independent free spirit that I am, it didn’t always bother me, but my kids are more peer impressionable. They want to wear the latest trends and styles. That’s okay too, but what’s in where we live may not be what’s in where you live. {I never have understood this.}
So, I will resort to what I have done in the past. I will buy one new outfit for the first day of school. Then we will wait a month or so before purchasing jeans and other clothing. Oh how I wish my kid’s schools had uniforms. It would make my life so much easier.
Above is my first Polyvore board {so no major criticizing, please} with some items I think my kids would like for school.
What about you?
What do you do for back to school wardrobe issues?
Let the madness begin,
We live in the south and have the same problem. It never feels like back to school time when we are still knee deep in August heat. But, I am ready for them to go back! I did buy my daughter 3 pairs of jeans because they were the first ones we’ve found in years that actually fit her properly and aren’t those trashy skinny sparkle jeans you see everywhere.
Oh good. I’m glad I’m not the only Mom that is ready for her kids to return to school. I was completely laughing about your remark “trashy skinny sparkle jeans.” It is difficult to find a good pair of jeans these days. Not only for the kids, but for me as well! Do you mind me asking where you found the ‘good’ jeans at?
Happy you stopped by!
Thank you Neena for sharing your thoughts about this.