I often feel sad that we spend all this time picking the perfect and right spouse only to have them gone all the time. I never get tired of having my husband around. One great blessing of moving to McAlester is that he is off every other Friday with his long hours schedule. Now with my kids, sometimes I wish they would get a job and a calling and come back late!
Love this. Thanks for sharing.
Anna@DirectionsNotIncluded recently posted..RM Pottery giveaway winner!
Oh I love this quote! I’m saving it in my quote file. Thanks for sharing!
Jerri recently posted..Bloom Where You’re Planted
Oh I love that!
I often feel sad that we spend all this time picking the perfect and right spouse only to have them gone all the time. I never get tired of having my husband around. One great blessing of moving to McAlester is that he is off every other Friday with his long hours schedule. Now with my kids, sometimes I wish they would get a job and a calling and come back late!