I’ve been looking for a chevron pattern comforter or duvet. Um, is this pattern not popular anymore? I can’t seem to find one anywhere. I found this black and white one at Urban Outfitters, but it’s back ordered. The other few places who still carry this pattern are also on back order. I looked at over 10 stores the other day and only found one at Tuesday Morning in orange and white. I’m really surprised because I thought this pattern was still “in.”What do you think? Is this chevron trend fading into the past now? Honestly, I was a little late jumping on this band wagon. Now I love it! This always happens to me. I finally decide on something and then I can’t find it anywhere. It’s a tad frustrating.
Happy Friday,
I think the fact that they are back ordered shows how popular it still is. I see it everywhere too. In quilt patterns blogs I see this pattern a lot. What size comforter are you looking for and what colors? I will look here for you. Love, Mom
We found one yesterday on Overstock.com. Thanks mom, you are always willing to help me look for stuff. I really appreciate it! I know this pattern has been out for a few years now. This was my reasoning for thinking it might be out. But whether the designers of the stores are sick of it or not, public demand definitely says other wise. Pottery Barn Teen only has pink and blue. Both of those were on back order. Those were both duvets as well. I was looking for a comforter. I settled on a blue and white chevron quilt. Love you.