I have been promising photos of my craft room for a while. I’ve been promising myself for almost 2 years! Finally, I bit the bullet this week and focused on purging, cleaning and organizing. {Totally helped to listen to an audio book while doing it…read how you can get one for free here.} It feels so good. However, I can’t promise that it will ever look this way again. I told my youngest to go check it out when she got home from school. “It’s too bare, Mom!” This room tended to be a dumping grounds after we moved in. It was a total mess with the counter tops covered in stuff. I had boxes of various items all over the floor.
I am utterly and completely grateful for this special room. We built a section for my kids to craft and practice their creativity. You will see it with the small black stools underneath. The other side of the room is basically mine. On the left side I do my traditional scrapbooking & crafting and on the right side is my computer station.
“How did you get your husband to let you have this room?”
This is probably the first question guests ask me upon entering. I never expected that question. The answer…hubby spent 15 years of seeing paint, play dough, scrapbook paraphernalia and various other crafting supplies strewn all over the house. He is very grateful to have a room dedicated for all my memorabilia as well. It is the culmination of many years of planning. The floor is cork, the counter tops are stainless steel looking laminate and I have filled every one of the cabinets you see. I did not photograph the inside of all them, though. Only a few are organized enough to share. 😉
I love seeing other people’s rooms or studios dedicated to crafting…such eye candy to behold for someone like me. I looked at so many photos and blogs while building. Let me know what you think, please. Do you like?
Credit: I want to thank Jennifer McGuire from Jennifer McGuire Ink for inspiring the design of my craft room. Jennifer is famous in the crafting world and her craft room was the inspiration for my own. She is way more organized than me, but her thorough videos and photos helped me tremendously. You can see her room by clicking here.
Love Love Love!!! I have a ” craft room” that is an utter mess and not really used for crafts! It holds luggage, boxes if stuff from our move three years ago that will jeber come out of the boxes, treadmill, holiday stuff that can’t be stored in the garage or attic!! I may have to show your room to Greg to see if he will do this for me!!! I’m so jealous right now I can hardly stand it!;)
Angie, you are too funny! I understand because that is the way this room was before I cleaned it out this week. I’m hoping to inspire, not arouse jealousy. Take out the treadmill, though.
This room is amazing!! I must say I am totally jealous and so happy for you and your family that you have this space
Thank you Laura. We have enjoyed it immensely. So glad you stopped by and left such a sweet comment. Have a great weekend!
You have done an amazing job with the room. I love being in and working in this room. I really don’t see that you should apologize for any of the photographs. You did a great job!
Thank you, Mom.
Get out of town!! This room is GORGEOUS! WOW!! What an amazing and inspiring room to get to craft room! I so LOVE it!!!
Carly, thank you.
Seeing yours helped inspire me to get mine done…it is pretty awesome!
What a great craft room!! Love it! Thanks for linking to my craft room link party!
Delightful Order
DaNita recently posted..Inexpensive Easter Basket Ideas
Enjoyed visiting your party last night, Danita. So many beautiful rooms to google over.
Thank you for commenting.
Looks great! How fun to have such a great place to craft and let the kids go crazy! Enjoy it while it is clean and I think your photos look good too.
Ange recently posted..While Im busy doing a project- this is whats going on
Ange, thank you so much! I am enjoying it. The kids colored in there last night and I was soooo happy when they cleaned up after they were done. {With a little reminder from yours truly ;)} I hope it stays clean for a while. Unfortunately, I am not a clean crafter myself. We’ll see.
OH Shannon. That is a dream come true!! Can I come and live with you??? If only my craft room were so organized and spacious, maybe I would actually use it!
Thank you Danielle. This means so much to me to have such positive feedback after working so hard. My family{the ones that live in my house ;)} doesn’t seem to give me such praise.
I LOVE! That room is every crafty girls dreams! I think you did an excellent job with the photos. Love the colors of your walls and all the special crafting sections.
Your “good enough skills” … I would say that your “good enough” is probably way above others. Your “good enough” is just about perfection. No need to be Mary Poppins! : )
Pam McCoy recently posted..Get Out of Comfort Zone 113 of 365 Day Project
My husband asked me if I took before photos. I guess I should have, Pam. You did read the part where I said it took me almost 2 years to get it to this point, right? lol Thank you for revisiting and saying wonderful things.
Shan! You totally made my day with your sweet comment! I told my husband (he was sitting next to me when I opened the email) I have a real friend in blogland! Aww! You are so awesome to check in on me! Things have just been busy! My little brother is home for this week of Easter (he is in the Army) so i basically was with him 24/7 I have been “savoring” time with him, he unfortunately will be leaving next month to Afghanistan
I took a lot of amazing pictures which he was here, and I hope to blog about it this week! He leaves today (I know, a bummer because it’s Easter morning) so we celebrated a day early…but the important thing is that we were all a together 😉
Hope to talk to you soon! Thank tou again for checking in on me! It really means a lot 😉 You are too sweet 😉
Michelle P recently posted..Cookie Memories
Michelle, soooo glad you were able to spend time with your brother! That is most definitely priority and glad you savored time with him. Look forward to seeing the photos and reading the blog post. Tell your brother how grateful I am for his service protecting our country. My Dad was in the Army. I am grateful to come from a patriotic family. On both sides of my family for generations men have served in the Army, Navy and Air Force. Now that I think about it, not sure if anyone has served in the Marines…at least that I am aware. I love what you said towards the end, “the important thing is that we were all together.” So true! It is way fun having friends in blogland! 😉 Talk to you soon!
I don’t like it, I love it! Way to go on all your hard work!!!
Sara Waters recently posted..It could be your lucky day
Sara, you have seen it before. You can testify to how drastically different it is.
Thank you!
Wow! This is amazing! And such a big open space! You could just live in there! You’ve got everything you need : )
Thank you Lisa. I feel blessed.
Oh my!!! What a great craft room. We shared some Personalized Recipe Cards on Tatertots and Jello and saw you there….love it!
Here’s ours from this week:
Thank you and I enjoyed your recipe cards.
You have a truly wonderful (and big) craft room. It’s great!
CAS recently posted..Nice Blogging Friends
Glad you like it. Thanks for stopping by!
Congratulations, your fabulous craft room made this week’s top hits @ singingwithbirds.com. Thanks for sharing such a fun post with us!
gnee recently posted..Warbling Wednesday
Thank you again for featuring me on Warbling Wednesday. So sweet! 😉
just like it? NO I LOVE IT!!!!!!
LOL, thank you.
OMG! I have no words for this! I love keeping everything organized! And this is perfect! MAGNIFICENT!
It doesn’t look this way anymore, but at least I have a photo of it while it was nice and clean.
Thank you.
that has to be the most beautiful craft room ever! I would love a room that big! Love it!
Awwww, thank you Lesley. What a wonderful and sweet compliment. Glad you came by to see it.
I’m GREEN with envy. Love, love, love it. Thanks for the inspiration.
You are welcome, Beverley. Glad to be of assistance. 😉 Thank you!
This is so fabulous! Congrats! I have a question – where did you get the cabinets and the desk? Is that a custom top? I love the T formation and it looks great for spreading out! We are building a home right now and I have been scouring the internet for scraproom ideas, I love this!
Rita Barakat recently posted..May 1st things that make me happy
Rita, bless you while your in the process of building! Yes, the cabinets, desk, everything is custom made. We were blessed with the opportunity to build this home and did what you did…scoured the internet for ideas. I am going to edit my post to credit the wonderful craft room that inspired mine. Jennifer McGuire definitely deserves credit for helping me make this room a reality. I was in such a hurry to get my post finished I failed to do that. Hopefully she will forgive me.
Until I edit the post I will go ahead and give you the address to her room: http://jennifermcguireink.typepad.com/my_weblog/my-scraproom-videos-and-photos.html She is a famous scrapbook and stamp guru. You will melt when you see how organized she is! Good luck with the building and remember when you feel like bagging the whole project, don’t…you will have a beautiful house in the end. Thanks for visiting! Can’t wait to see how yours turns out!
Thank you Shan you are so sweet! I am going to go check it out!
Rita Barakat recently posted..This weekend
Oh, I love this! I have been dreaming of a writing & art room for a while now. I showed my daughters’ (7 & 4) your pictures and my older daughter offered to build me a hut in the backyard.
Jennifer, how cute! You have a very generous daughter there! I might take her up on the offer…lol. 😉 Keep dreaming, because it just might become a reality…grateful mine did. Thanks so much for commenting & visiting!
Found you on Delightful Order…love your crafting space! Such great ideas for storage…it is very inspiring! Have a wonderful day and happy crafting!
deb recently posted..Cruise Tip!
Deb, glad you found me via Delightful Order. It is a huge compliment to say the room is inspiring. That was my hope, to help inspire others. Thank you for your well wishes and visit. 😀 About to check out your Cruise Tip.
Oh.My.Gosh! Your craft room is gorgeous! Seriously, it looks like it should be a photospread for a magazine. Love it!
Blush…awww, how very sweet of you Delanna. Talk about making a person’s day! Thank you very much!
SOOOOOooo glad I found your blog! I am in the process of making my craft room–(cabinet maker just came today)–and this is basically the only layout that will work in my odd space. I was wondering if there is anything you would change or do differently? And, what you find absolutely neccessary to have in cabinetry? Thanks so much for the inspiration and for your time!
Danielle, glad you found me as well! These are great questions. I would put my electrical sockets in a different place. {maybe too late for you at this point???} I would also have a way of placing my cords somehow underneath the cabinet…like with a hole and grommet so they don’t take up so much space on top of the cabinet. {plus I don’t like looking at them} If you use laminate, like I did, don’t get super glue on it…it won’t come off. {I made that mistake} Not sure what height you are planning on doing for the counter top. I did mine high (37 1/2″) because I like to stand a lot when I craft or scrapbook. Problem is, it took me 2 years to find a chair I could use…drafting chair I found at Hobby Lobby. I bought a couple of bar stools at Ikea and they were too tall. Every time I would sit down to use the computer I would hit my knees on the drawers. I was supposed to get a hole cut in the top of the counter top but never could find a trash chute to use for it. It is annoying to find great ideas, but not be able to find the supplies to implement them. I desperately need lighting underneath the kids cabinets over their workspace as well. For me, the drawer guides are a biggie. I like the drawers to glide out smoothly. Mine open completely all the way out which is helpful to be able to use the whole drawer for organizing pens and such. Hope this helps! PLEASE let me know when it is done, or if you have photos to share of the process…I would love to see them! Enjoy the process as much as you can. 😉
What an awesome craft room! I am jealous. Looks like lots of fun!
Thank you Stephanie. It has been a blessing realized. I am very grateful.
Ok, just going to confess it – “I’m jealous!!” What a lovely space! You’ve organized it and decorated it beautifully Shan! Enjoy!
Susan recently posted..Uncle Pete’s Frozen Corn
Susan, thank you! I hope it inspires more than makes people too jealous. lol 😉
Oh.My.Gosh! Love, love, love it. Looks great!
Lori Bailey recently posted..Cancer Tattoos Tumblr
WOW!! that’s amazing! I just found your collage pic on pinterest and I am IN LOVE!! That is my dream craft room. I am soooo jealous right now even my eyeballs are green. Congrats on such an awesome space.
I love your room!! What are the dimensions of your room – looks huge and it looks like you were able to put in a lot of storage and work surfaces! Nice job!
Hi, I LOVE LOVE your room! thanks for sharing! We have been searching for cabinets to make our room work for us but havent found what we need. This is exactly what I’m hoping for- storage space that actually fits the craft supplies and is functional. Wow! I read in the thread above you had everything built. Are you willing/able to share the dimensions of what you had done? Thanks soooo much. Enjoy your beautiful space.
Really? You’ve tried to copy the Jennifer McGuire Ink Craftroom!
Even the sentence ” Do something creative every day”
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.