I came across this hilarious and entertaining video my Son made on our web cam.
I’ve always thought he had my theatrical tendencies.
This video confirms my suspicions.

Daughter got her braces off this week & Son graciously let me take a photo of them both!
Besides, I’m not allowed {by him, of course} to take video or photos of my Son. I hate this because I’m sure you think we only have 2 girls. I keep reminding him when he’s older he’ll be asking me, “Mom, why don’t you have any photos of me when I was younger?” He will then accuse me of loving the girls more.
Unfortunately, he already accuses me of this.
So, even though he will be extremely angry with me for posting this…it’s my blog and he will just have to deal.
Right?! Ba ha ha ha…I’m such an evil Mom.
It’s sure to bring a few laughs. We all need more laughter in our lives. ENJOY!
By the way, please don’t notice how messy my command central is in this video. I’m sad to say it doesn’t look too different currently.
Comedy Brings Joy,
Awesome, love the tie even
And Emily is jealous of K’s fishtail braid…she so wants to be able to do it on her hair but it is too wavy. On summer to do list, flat-iron and learn how to do it. Happy summer!
J did this after church, which is why he has his tie on. K has a friend who has been teaching her how to do the braid. She also watches LOTS of hair tutorials online. Remind Emily that K has natural wave & curl in her hair too! She can do it!
Great hearing from you Monica. I tore my calf muscle playing tennis on Wednesday.
Running will be OUT for a while for me…sigh…again. Hugs!
I think he has an excellent future as an ireporter. This is so good. Love Mom
That is an awesome picture of K and J!