Hey there!
I’m getting excited about the blog conference I’m attending in Atlanta next week called Haven. Last night there was a twitter party for attendees. I was tweeting away with the best of them, only to realize nobody could read my tweets because my twitter account is “private.” I used to have my twitter open to the public and received all kinds of SPAM so I decided to privatize it. It was kind of a let down since the whole idea of having the party was to get to know some of the bloggers before attending the conference.
So I was visiting the Haven Link Up…
I’m wondering if I’m going to a modeling conference instead of a home bloggers conference. Holy cow…if you want to see more of the beautiful bloggers click here. If you are not sure what a link up is…it’s where you link up your blog so conference attendees can get to know each other by visiting their blogs. Most bloggers inserted a photo of themselves instead of using their blog’s logo like I did. Honestly, it’s probably a good idea to add a photo so people can put a name with a face. However, I don’t really have a professional updated {with my new pixie cut} photo to share. I need to do that.
Anyway, all of these bloggers look beautiful. There’s nothing to say that they shouldn’t be beautiful. Everyone is beautiful to God since we are all His children. I guess it’s just a little intimidating. I’m not sure what that says about me. I’ve had friends tell me they used to think I was intimidating before they got to know me. {I’m pretty sure it’s not because they thought I was model worthy.} I’m completely and utterly shocked when this information was explained to me. The LAST thing I would want would be for someone to be intimidated by me. I love people and strive to be as friendly as possible to everyone I meet.

Blissdom 2012
Here’s what I have learned about myself after attending 2 Blissdom blog conferences. Even though I am secure in who I am as a person…even though I am content in knowing I’m not the top blogger on the block…even though I’m a people person…I still struggle socializing at conferences. I am the girl who always wants everyone to feel accepted. In high school I struggled with being friends with just one group of people. For me, it was better to be friends with people from all the different “groups” than to ostracize people who weren’t in my group of friends. This can be a little difficult because then I don’t feel like I belong anywhere.

Me before Blissdom cocktail party
Let’s face it, when a bunch of women get together {sorry I know there are men bloggers too} invariably cliques form. It’s like a law of nature or something. This part makes me uncomfortable. It’s not necessarily the workshops I have a problem with, it’s the “cocktail” parties and formal occasions. You walk in and everyone is dressed up. I like to dress up. It’s fun when most days I wear t shirts and jeans. After I walk into the party, and since I don’t know many people…well, it’s awkward. Where do I go? Who do I stand by? Who do I talk to? Then I feel as though people around me are noticing I’m alone. I begin to think, “they must think I’m a real loser since I don’t have friends to come to the party with.” The last conference I went to had a scenario like this: I walked up to a table with 2 younger woman. I asked if the spot at the table was taken… if I could join them. They politely said I could join them. We began to talk small talk and exchanged our business cards with our blogs on them. I don’t remember exact words these girls said (thankfully), however I do remember how they made me feel. I felt small…less than. This is the exact feeling I never want people to have around me. Nobody, I don’t care how many visitors come to your blog a day, is better than another person. We all have problems. We all have talents. There is a quote that says “comparison is the thief of joy.” I completely agree. Once we begin to compare ourselves to another person we become insecure with who we are. That feels dark and lonely. Joy is filled with light and unity.

After sharing the preceding story you might wonder why I even want to go to these conferences. Well, fortunately, those “cocktail” parties are few and far between in the grand scheme of the conference. The majority of the time you are in workshops learning more about the world of blogging and in this particular conference, home blogging. The last 2 conferences I attended were for all types of bloggers, open to all. But do you know who were the most genuine and friendly bloggers I met there were? Yep, it was the home bloggers. These are the women who focus primarily on inspiring others with things they do in their home by way of design and DIY. After Blissdom, and later in the year, I had the amazing opportunity to be invited to participate in a blog hop with many influential home bloggers. Do you remember what it was called…Roomspiration. The other participants welcomed me warmly and helped whenever I had questions about anything. I have never been able to meet any of these sweet ladies in person. At least not yet, because I will next week at Haven! A teensy part of me is nervous they won’t remember me. It’s been a while since Roomspiration and I haven’t posted as often as I did then.
Whether those girls remember me or not, whether I make any new friends or not, I still want to go. Going to the conference gives me something to look forward to. I get away for a little bit from my normal routine and I am Shan the blogger. I’m not so and so’s mom or so and so’s wife, I’m just me. I enjoy being around other women who share in my passion for blogging. I’m not going to let my uncomfortableness of certain social settings keep me from attending. We have to take risks in life to grow and learn. It’s not always pleasant, but wisdom and experience are the fruits yielded.
A friend once said this about me, “what you see is what you get.” He is exactly right. I don’t hide behind my feelings. Many times I say the things I’m thinking when I probably shouldn’t because it sometimes is taken the wrong way. I like to be unique and creative in the way I dress. I absolutely despise gossip, which I know for a fact has kept me from having more friends. I just try to treat others the way I would like to be treated. Therefore, if I don’t want to be gossiped about, then I don’t gossip. I have a big heart and only want the very best for people. I have sincerely enjoyed writing and posting photos about our family’s home. I’m grateful for the countless people I have gleaned inspiration from to make our home a haven.
If you are attending Haven next week, I hope to meet you. Please use my comments section as a sort of guestbook to let me know you stopped by. I would love to visit your blog as well. BTW, thank you for visiting my small abode. ;) Only 5 more days…
Home Brings Joy,
Oh Shan! I just loved this post. Soaked in every single word. I too, have a hard time with situations where I don’t know anyone. This is why I haven’t ever attended a blogging conference. That, and the fact that I am the BIGGEST homebody you ever did see! There seem to be a lot of bloggers who go to the conferences and seem to be friends outside of blogging too. It’s like a big girl’s night out for them. Well, I don’t know any bloggers in my area and am the only one in my group of friends here in Sacramento who has a blog. So I would be the single gal without any friends at the cocktail party who would probably have just walked out and gone back to my room. You are so amazing and I love that you posted about this. I could really relate to these feelings and it also makes me feel better about if I ever did go to a conference that there are other ladies who are like me too!
Brandy, just got back from the conference and I’m worn out after a long day of travel. However, I wanted to let you know how much your words mean to me. Thank you so much for your kindness. Let me know if you do ever want to go to a conference and I will try to go too! It will be a first for me to be able to go knowing I will meet up with someone else I know. 2 other bloggers I have gotten to know well were planning on going and weren’t able to make it. We were planning on rooming together. It went well. I look forward to writing more about my experience. You have a super great blog Brandy…I’m sure you could have taught a class at the conference!
Sunday mornin’ Shannon… and look where I am?!? I absolutely LOVE this post and have to commend you on being the best friend a first-time conference attendee could ask for!! I am so glad you came up to me the first night to say “hello”! You did exactly what you set out to do… make everyone feel like they mattered! Little ‘ol me had hoped that someone like you would come my way! I’m so glad we met!! Now.. I gotta go check out this craft room of yours! Oh! And the laundry room too!! I got a lot of catching up to do!! Wooohoooo! Safe travels!!!
Candace @ Vintage News Junkie recently posted..If Life Hands You Lemons… Plant a Lemon Tree!!
Candace!!! It was totally meant to be for us to meet! And even though my friends who were supposed to go and didn’t, well if they had gone, I might not have met you and bonded like we did. I so enjoyed getting to know you and your hubby! You two are the cutest newlyweds! I can’t wait to go see your blog and catch up on all your greatness! Time for me to hit the hay! Talk to you soon!
It was so nice meeting you at Haven! You have such a genuine heart
Sonya ~At Home with The Barkers recently posted..HAVEN 2013 {what I learned}