Barn Door Shutters

I can’t believe I made these shutters.  They were pretty easy, just time consuming.  No nails too!  I began using Gorilla Glue, but it expanded way too much and the glue stuck to the glass on my counter as well.  You can see the line of glue on the glass in the third photo above.  I painted the boards with Annie Sloan’s Chalk Paint & Wax first.  After finding out my problems with Gorilla Glue, I found a bottle of this Liquid Nails and it worked like a charm!

Be creative,


  1. Delanna says:

    Super cute, Shannon! I’ve never used Gorilla Glue … If I ever do I’ll have to keep the expanding in mind!

  2. Leslie says:

    I love them! You will have so much fun decorating them for Christmas.

  3. Dusty Coyote says:

    Those are beeeeuuuuttttiiiiiifuuuulllll! I love those and your mantel!

  4. Cheryl Beaty says:

    I was about to ask where you finally found the shutters until I got to the bottom of your post. I ma so impressed. You certainly have adopted my motto for life: “Where there is a will there is a way.” I am so proud of you. Love, Mom


  1. [...]   I repainted the stocking holder frames with my Chalk Paint to match my barn door shutters I made {read more about that project here.} [...]

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