Love Drop is a wonderful site helping to make a difference in our world.
I had the opportunity to be introduced to this phenomenal organization and the people behind it at Blissdom {Blog Conference} in January. {I will have to post a few photos of them later.} Basically, they are making it easy for us to lend a helping hand, to spread acts of kindness in this busy hurried world we live in. I am grateful for their HUGE hearts and want to assist in their effort in whatever way I can; which is why I joined their Blogger Network.
Love Drop is a micro-giving network of people who unite as a community to help one person or family a month. By subscribing to the team for as little as $1, we make it easy for our members to change lives in a fun and tangible way. Each month Love Drop delivers a unique combination of unexpected financial gifts, personal encouragement and the support of local and online communities. (As of April, we’ve given out almost $67,000 worth of goods and services!)
They just came back from the Indianapolis area where they dropped $2,500 worth of baby gifts on newborn triplets (they’re so cute!!), and THIS month they’re trying to round up the love for another mother who needs our help – this time fighting against cancer for the 3rd time in 10 years.
Any of us in the same situation would probably use any extra money toward medical bills, so that’s why this month we want to instead focus on giving Marci and family the gift of quality time together. Let’s send them somewhere amazing and help them form memories that will last forever! We’re looking for creative ideas this month… financial gifts too, but also anything that will help them escape together for a while.
Want to help Marci and her family from Fort Collins, Colorado out? Here are 3 ways:
Give $1.00 – This money will help us give her some great quality time!
- Give a gift card – Gift cards are extremely helpful, especially to places that are national.
- Donate TRAVEL stuff – Airline miles, timeshare options, destination packages, etc. – whatever you have access to!
Thanks guys! You can reach the Love Drop team here anytime with questions: team (at) love drop (dot) us., or by checking them out at Thanks everyone! We’ll let you know how it goes!
Meanwhile, in Shanville…I’m busy trying to clean up the craft room for a Mom’s Night Out held here tonight. Hoping a miracle will occur and it will be ‘show ready’ by tonight.

Keeping it real...{cringing as I publish this photo}
Spread some LOVE,