Writing From My Heart

Writing From My HeartThis morning I woke early to help my oldest finish gifts for her friends.  She wanted to make them Oreo balls.  We stayed up late last night dipping them in chocolate.  We bought cute little Christmas tree jars to put the Oreo balls in.  It was my privilege to place them into the jars this morning after they hardened overnight in the fridge.  They turned out beautifully.  Carefully, I placed the 8 jars in a bag filled with shredded paper to cushion and protect them.

It was time for my Daughter to leave for early morning seminary, which is a 50 minute scripture class she goes to at 6:45 AM Monday through Friday before school.  We loaded her trunk with the goodies and she was off.  I trod back into the house to find the goodie box I filled for her photography class.  She was asked to bring some goodies for the Christmas ‘party’ they were having today at her special photography course she takes at the local vocational technical school in the afternoons.  We made a double batch of the Oreo balls so half went into the jars and the other half was for her class.  I also noticed she left her lunch.  Fortunately, her seminary class meets in a home nearby, so I pulled on my jacket and took them to her.  Yes, I was still in my PJ’s, but there was no time to change. Writing From My Heart

I’m back at the house and now it’s time to get my youngest Daughter up and ready for school.  While she’s dressing I finish placing the last minute touches to her teacher’s gifts.  After packing those up, wonderful Hubby {Thank you!} takes our 2 youngest kids to school.

So here I am still in my PJ’s sipping on my protein shake while I type up this post.

Before I prayed this morning I was mentally tallying all the things that need to be done.  It was yesterday I realized we only had a week before Christmas.  Ya see, I’m not a calendar kind of person, never have been.  I like to take things day by day.  Don’t get me wrong, I have a calendar and I write my appointments on it.  But unless I write a check {I don’t do that very often,} I don’t really know what the date is.  I know what day it is, like I know today is Wednesday, but I have to look at the calendar to see it’s the 19th.  I’m a domestic servant, goddess, diva engineer, why do I need to know the date?  I’m certain it has more to do with my ADD than anything else.  Anyway, like usual, I don’t have everything done I wanted to have done by now.  This prompts the overwhelming monster and I begin to feel my shoulders hardening and rising to my ears.  I begin to start the shame wheel and nothing good comes by doing that.  So I took a deep breath and began to pray…

As I prayed I counted my blessings and thanked my Heavenly Father for each one.  One by one I began to feel the tension and stress melt away.  Most of my concerns are trivial in the grand scheme of things.  Instead of the shame wheel and ‘bad me’ recording I was hearing before I prayed, God began to show me in my mind the things I have accomplished.  He made me see the tasks I have done and know they do matter.  On top of that, He made me feel as though I can accomplish what’s left on my list, if not today, in plenty of time before Christmas.  Oh how grateful I am for His tender mercies.  Nobody knows me like He does.  Nobody understands what it’s like to be me besides my Savior and Creator.

Writing from my heart,


  1. Thanks for writing this…..I needed to hear this today!

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