Right Frame of Mind

I’m up early this morning.  Youngest girl is going on a field trip.  She was so excited.  We pulled on her skinny jeans, slid on shoes and tied her scarf.  I should have taken a photo.  After preparing her sack lunch with a peanut butter sandwich, Cheetos, Oreos and G2, she was off.  DH took the kids to school on his way to work. Thank you hubby.

I’m going running this morning.  After scrounging up my layers of running clothes, including sliding on my compression socks and shoes, I decided to watch an inspirational video to get me in the right frame of mind.  This one was perfect.  I felt compelled to share it with you, my lovely readers today.

Doesn’t that put everything in perspective?
I think so.
Have a beautiful Friday my friends.


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