Comments on: I Have A Life Simple Ideas to Create Family Unity Thu, 29 Oct 2015 13:48:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jennifer Thu, 06 Jun 2013 14:45:05 +0000 Dear Shan,
I stumbled across your blog via pinterest. I must confess, I looked at your laundry room and wished I had the resources to have such a setup! As I explored the other areas and read one of your most recent posts, I sensed something still longed for. It reminded me that if I had a lovely laundry room instead of the tiny space which serves as a pantry and my husband’s office office as well :p , there would still be a space in my heart fillable only by the Lord.
Praying today that you feel His love and that space in your heart is truly full of JOY! …the kind only Jesus brings.

By: Cheryl Mon, 13 May 2013 20:02:48 +0000 Shan, I have no doubt that our Granddaughter will do well in life and meet any challenge with the strength and courage that you have modeled for her through the years. She couldn’t have had a better foundation for going on to the next phase of her life. I pray that you can let go and let God watch over her and guide her when you are not there. I just hope that you will be able to enjoy her excitement and the excitement of all of your family as we go through this wonderful time together. We never stop growing, and now is another time for you and J to stretch and grow as K does the same thing. It is not a sad occasion, but a beautiful occasion and when you think about it, you wouldn’t want it to be any other way. The only thing that matters is all of us being together. All the little things will take care of themselves and we can all pitch in to help when needed. Everything does not have to be done perfectly. I don’t want you to be so stressed out that you can’t enjoy having your family around you. You have a wonderful trip to look forward to also. Yes, your family composition on an every day basis will change and continue to change until all 3 of your children are out of the home. I think that having them be strong and independent is something you have helped raise them to become. This was always my goal for my children. Now your role is to let them come into their own persons, knowing that they will incorporate all the teachings of the Church and you and J. I do not say that this is an easy process by any means. I still remember the day you moved out on your own at 18 to live in an apartment by yourself. It makes me shudder to remember this but it was something you wanted to do from the time you were young. Can you imagine how hard that was to be a part of as a parent? Yet, you had to find out on your own how to set goals, attain them or not, and make new goals. Parting with each of my children was not an easy process but we all survived. It takes a lot of prayer, faith, and love to allow this process to unfold, for the benefit of everyone. Just think, now we all have a new vacation destination, Idaho. I can’t wait to go see her and see where she is going to school. I would imagine that she has some fears too, so don’t forget about that. She may need some reassurance that she has what it takes to make good decisions and negotiate life as we all have to do. I apologize for this long comment and if you don’t want to keep it posted, I will understand. I love you and I am so very proud of you as the very strong, loving person that you are. Let me know when I can help in any way. Love, Mom

By: Andrea Schuneman Mon, 13 May 2013 18:59:34 +0000 Your Mom is right you have to take time for YOU, even when life is crazy busy. HA! In church yesterday we had Jill Savage (she’s apart of Hearts at Home) speak via video. She lives in my town and did a Mother’s day message for our church. Anyway, she talked about 10 things a mother should always do in life. The very first one she mentioned was to take care of yourself and to step away and do something for yourself. It’s so easy to say it, but to actually take the time to do it is tough at times.
I’ll be praying for you too through this time of transition in your life as well as your family. You’ve trained up your daughter to be a Godly woman and I have no doubt she’ll succeed. Sure she’ll go away and do some growing up on her own, but she has a solid foundation of faith, grace, and love! Have a great rest of your week. Love following along with you on Instagram :)

Hugs xxx

By: Stephanie Click Mon, 13 May 2013 16:15:13 +0000 I pray that even in the busyness of this week that you can savor every moment! Take it all in and enjoy!!!
